Let's Get Spark'd!
Why am I passionate about Herbalife products?
I don't like to cook. I am not a "meal prepper". I am busy mom who puts herself last.
I used to lay in bed at night thinking, "Tomorrow, I am going to eat healthier.
I am going to skip my Starbucks run and make time for a walk. I need to get the kids more balanced meals.
Don't forget about hockey practice. Oh and the tournament this weekend... we are going to
eat at the concession stand for every meal... how am I ever going to lose weight or get in shape?!"
Does your mind race like this? Do you feel overwhelmed by trying to live a healthier life in between all of the other things you have going on? Do you have "mom/dad guilt" for going through McDonald's again for your kids?
The first step that helped me break this crazy cycle was having a shake for breakfast. It was such a simple adjustment to my day. After a few days, I realized that I wasn't as tired during the day. I guess that's what happens when your body starts getting nutrients that it was missing for so long!
After a while, I had the energy to go for a walk during the day or at the end of the day. More than that, I WANTED to sneak in a 15 minute walk because it felt great. I was feeling like I was headed in the right direction... finally.
Honestly, I could go on and on about how I am feeling and what's working for me, and don't worry, I'll share it with you. But if you want me to help you with a personalized plan and nutrition guidance, I would love to be your coach!
If you are ready to get started or just want more information, complete a personalized wellness profile.
Follow this link and then click, Start My Profile.